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Evaluation and Treatment of the Lumbar Spine

March 8 - March 9

This lab heavy weekend course is designed to enhance the participants skills in the examination and intervention of the lumbar spine.  Topics covered will be subjective and objective assessments of the lumbar spine, SIJ and hips.  Interventions such as manual therapy, pain neuroscience education, exercise prescription, and soft tissue mobilization will be instructed and practiced.  Clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis will be emphasized throughout the course.

Multiple Registration options exist:

Lumbar Spine course only:  $425

Cervical and Lumbar Spine courses: $750

Cervical, Lumbar and Manipulation Course: $975

Cervical OR Lumbar Course AND Manipulation Course: $650


March 8
March 9


UVA Orthopedic Center Therapy Services
2280 Ivy Road; Suite G271
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 United States
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