Be Decisive_Brian Cole

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    • #6045
      Michael McMurray

      My favorite slide from AAOS Sports Medicine Course director Brian Cole regarding decision making in patient care while gathering additional information.

      Also if you are using “My NCBI” through PubMed and pushing info to your inbox; as I presented in Weekend 2.

      Here is a reminder. You should follow Brian Cole and read what his group publishes. Amazing Clinician and Researcher.

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    • #6048
      Michael McMurray

      Amazing articles, videos, education at Dr Coles website.

    • #6053
      Kyle Feldman

      it is hard to be decisive. Especially as you are learning and questioning.
      But Eric is making a great point.

      Being decisive does not mean guessing when you are unsure. You must be systematic and come to a conclusion even when you are not 100% sure. Being decisive will allow you to learn from you decision and grow. When you stay on the fence you never know what would/could happen and how to grow from it.

      Great post Eric Thanks!

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