The VOMPTI Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency program is accredited by The American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE) through the American Physical Therapy Association.
This residency format is designed to present a structured, comprehensive evidence based approach to examination and treatment of orthopedic dysfunction of the spine and extremities. The content is based upon the American Physical Therapy Association’s Description of Specialty Practice for Orthopaedics and includes didactic, laboratory, and clinical practice components under the supervision of accomplished instructors with appropriate experience and credentials.
The series of weekend courses (Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Series) and collaborative clinical care time (mentorship) will provide the participant the opportunity to develop a framework for use in the evaluation and treatment of patients, as well as to review and reinforce the material learned in the didactic component, through direct feedback. The aim of the program is to allow follow-up on the content presented in a clinical setting, to enhance the development of clinical skills and facilitate a clinical reasoning process.
The Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Series will be structured with frequent review of material including hands-on feedback for psychomotor skills acquisition and progress at a pace that will accommodate all participants. Clinical mentor to student ratio will not exceed 1:1. Written, and practical examinations, as well as additional assignments will be performed on an ongoing basis to ensure mastery of the material.
Benefits to the Participant
The future of physical therapy depends upon our increasing professional stature and ability to function on an independent level as an autonomous profession. VOMPTI is interested in helping the APTA attain their 2020 vision by providing intensive curricula that will result in highly trained clinicians. The residency program is being offered to accommodate those physical therapists who are motivated to achieve this level of training and independence.
The goal of the residency program is to provide physical therapists with a comprehensive continuing professional education experience. The residency will provide the physical therapist with the clinical reasoning tools to improve their examination, assessment and treatment of the orthopedic patient. Upon completion of the program, the graduate will be fully prepared to sit for their orthopedic specialty certification examination and/or continue their training with a fellowship in a specific area of orthopedic practice.
Program Objectives
At the conclusion of the clinical residency program, the participant will be able to:
- Explain the clinical reasoning skills necessary perform specific evidenced based examination, assessment and treatment techniques. These same skills will help the therapist develop the ability to continue to monitor their own clinical skill level.
- Conduct an effective and comprehensive subjective examination which will enable development of a working clinical hypothesis as to the primary problem, prior to performing an objective examination.
- List hypothesis categories for each patient seen, and identify the relative information associated with each category utilizing patient demonstrations and case studies.
- Perform an evidence based physical examination, including differential diagnosis, for the cervicothoracic spine, lumbopelvic girdle, upper extremity, and lower extremity.
- Perform passive joint mobilization techniques utilizing the grades of movement, including manipulation, for all areas noted in the previous objective and integrate these techniques into the treatment plan as indicated.
- Perform specific soft tissue assessment and treatment techniques for all areas noted above, and integrate these techniques into the treatment plan as indicated
- Create an appropriate specific clinic and home therapeutic exercise program techniques related to all areas of examination noted above and integrate these techniques into the treatment plan as indicated
General Information
The residency program will run over a twelve month period. The Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Series will consist of six weekend courses held on Saturday and Sunday with the precise schedule for each day determined by the residency director. The individual participant will be responsible for all time out of clinic necessity and travel related costs.
The resident will have 4 hours a week of direct mentoring by a faculty member of the residency. A faculty member will be directly participating in the mentoring process in an l : l ratio during that time.
The program will consist of 132 hours of educational content (approximately 36 of which will be through independent learning) and at least 150 hours of direct supervision of clinical patient care from an approved facility member.
This program is an active learning process that will require the participant to learn independently and complete assignments in a prompt manner. There will be mid-term and final written and practical examinations, as well as monthly clinical reasoning case studies and other assignments to ensure comprehension of the material and attainment of specific skills. Additional learning opportunities are included throughout the residency year.
Average Graduation Rate from Program since 2014: 93%
Average Pass rate on OCS: 100%
Residents progress on to Fellowship: 7%
Program retention 2022-2024: 100%
VOMPTI, LLC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, and identities and/or statuses. VOMPTI continuously strives for a culture of diversity and inclusion.
Specific Questions regarding the residency program should be directed to:
Director, VOMPTI Orthopaedic Residency Program
PO Box 800105
Charlottesville VA 22903
(434) 243-0277
[email protected]